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Why do Christians feel the need to keep themselves so separate from those who are not Christian?
Ok this is a little tough... What Christians are you referring to? I am going to assume the proverbial Christians.
I think as people become Christians they are on the right path of finding hope and salvation in the Lord. But then they get involved in the local church and somehow feel obligated to become people pleasers instead of Christ Followers. We become more interested in looking Holy than we do in being humble. We want to look righteous and forget to be compassionate toward those who need help, hope, a hug, .... a Savior.... Jesus....
If we the people are the Body of the Church, (Christ is no longer physically here, only in Spirit, so we are the physical body on His behalf.) don't you think in order for someone to receive Christs love, someone needs to be giving it or showing it.... I don't think ignoring the hurting, the dying, or the destitute in order to retain your self appointed Holiness is what Christ wants us to do.
Do you believe Christ is the King of Kings or not? Do you believe in Gods power or not ... if you are a Christian and answered yes... you don't have to hide in the church you can go out into the rest of the world and even love those you deem as rhino pizzle. Ya know the single mom, the dude with tattoos on the motorcycle, the gay man with Aids, the thief who stole your wallet....
What?, you cant love people like? Its not Christian like?
He himself went to the darkest corners of the Earth to meet people right where they were at! He hung out with lepers, prostitutes, cheaters and even forgave a known criminal who was dying on the cross next to Him. He Also forgives you when you look down at his people whom you deem not worthy... He would and did go to the ends of the earth to love those you reject!
It is not your job to decide who is worthy of loving or not!
If the proverbial Christian community hides themselves from the rest of the World how will it know of His love?
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I like your answer. :-)
Don't you agree that there is a dichotomy on this issue?
We are to be in the world (not separated physically), but not of the world (not alike mentally/spiritually).
I think many well-meaning people forget the first part and focus on the second.
David Crowder Band
Here is a great link that helps put this into a relevant situation.
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